An AED in Every Home, Office and School

Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) vastly increase the chances of survival from 6% to 74% when used within 3-5 minutes of a cardiac arrest.* We have been fighting to get an AED in every home, office and school to save lives.

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Our Mission

An AED in Every Home

AEDs save lives. Of the 324,000 cases of cardiac arrest that happen annually in the U.S., only a fraction of patients ever get the immediate help they need. Our mission is to get an AED into every home, office and school.

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Our Purpose

Educate & Empower

As a bystander, you can make a huge difference. Our purpose at the Myra Logan Heart Fund is to educate the public about the importance of AEDs, increase their accessibility, and empower people to save lives. 

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Raising Awareness

Be Prepared

Having an AED close by can mean the difference between life and death for many. After a patient suffers a cardiac arrest, a shock must be administered as soon as possible; by the time emergency services arrive, it can often be too late.

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Automated External Defibrillators

Why AEDs?

AEDs can be used without any special training and can vastly improve survival rates, leading to faster recovery in patients with cardiac arrests. However, around 64% of Americans have never even seen an AED before.

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Learn More About AEDs and Cardiac Arrest

How AEDs Make A Difference

The average time for emergency service response is 6 to 8 minutes in the US. As a result, out-of-hospital cardiac arrests need first-response from a bystander. Locating an AED and delivering shock before EMTs arrive can improve the survival rate...

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Recovery After Cardiac Arrest

Surviving sudden cardiac arrest is a victory in itself. However, the challenges do not stop after leaving the hospital. Here are tips and information on how to recover and keep moving forward in life after suffering a cardiac arrest...

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Preventive Care for Cardiac Arrest

Although it is not always possible to prevent sudden cardiac arrest, there are several steps that can keep your body and heart healthy and strong. The earlier a healthier lifestyle is adopted, the easier it is to avoid heart problems...

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Key Statistics for the United States

List of All FDA Approved AEDs

AEDs are life-saving devices that are used in the treatment of people experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. If you already own an AED, check if your device is FDA approved. 

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Using an AED

Learn how easy it is to use an AED like the Philips HeartStart AED

Signs of Cardiac Arrest

Cardiac morbidity and mortality remain major public health concerns in the United States and globally. The severity of heart diseases and their varied causes can make them difficult to manage. Staying aware of the risk factors and looking out for warning signs can help...

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Risk Factors to Watch Out For

Multiple factors and health conditions including age, lifestyle, underlying medical conditions, and family history can increase the risk of cardiac arrest in individuals. Though 'cardiac arrest' is used interchangeably with 'heart attack', these are not the same things...

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The Chain of Survival

The actions you take before medical professional arrive on the scene, very often, can mean the difference between life and death for cardiac arrest victims. The ideal steps bystanders should take the moment they realize someone around them is succumbing to a cardiac arrest...

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Learn More About Heart Health

Sudden cardiac arrest is preventable. Learn about the lifestyle risk factors leading to cardiac arrest and what preventive care looks like.

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American Red Cross CPR Training

No training is necessary to use AEDs in an emergency, but the Myra Logan Heart Fund recommends training with the American Red Cross to learn a broader set of skills in first aid response and CPR. A few hours of training can mean the difference between life and death.

Book CPR Training Now