What We Do

Inform & Educate

Bystanders that use an AED on a victim of cardiac arrest make a critical difference in the chances of survival for the person they are helping, however only a fraction of victims ever get the help they need. The biggest obstacle is an unfamiliarity with AEDs and uncertainty in how they should be used. The Myra Logan Heart Fund is committed to informing and educating the public about the importance of AEDs, the significant difference they can make in survival rates and their ease of use.

About The Myra Logan Heart Fund

AEDs save lives. Of the 424,000 cases of cardiac arrest that happen annually in the U.S., less than 10% survive. The chances of survival increase from 6% to 74% if an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is used to deliver shock therapy within three to five minutes of a heart attack, but tragically only a tiny fraction of cardiac arrest victims in the U.S. ever get the immediate help they need.

We are a social project funded and founded by Galton Voysey, after a co-founder's family member suffered a close call with heart failure. While looking into precautionary and preventive measures for his family member's home, he found that it was not a straightforward matter, despite the fact that AEDs can drastically increase a cardiac arrest patient's chances of survival. Due to the fact that there is an extremely narrow timeframe for when the shock must be administered for it to be effective, by the time emergency services arrive it can often be too late the patient. Having an AED close to hand can literally mean the difference between life and death for many. 

Our mission at the Myra Logan Heart Fund is to get an AED into every home, office and school. We are proudly named after Dr. Myra Adele Logan, M.D. an African-American physician, surgeon and anatomist - the first woman to perform open heart surgery and also the first African-American woman elected a fellow of the American College of Surgeons.
Our purpose at the Myra Logan Heart Fund is to educate the public about the importance of AEDs, increase their accessibility, and empower people to save lives.